Reach Reach School Chances :)

<p>Rising Senior</p>

<p>unweighted gpa = 3.53 weighted=3.88
SAT: 1810 (retaking in October)
My current class rank is 29/166
White Female
In one of the most, if not the most, competitive public school districts in North Carolina </p>

<p>Senior Year Courses: AP Comparitive Government, AP Human Geography, AP English Lit, Honors Precal, Honors Global Classes, and a french class at UNC-CH</p>

<p>AP French Language Score-3</p>

<p>Taking online marketing class </p>

<p><strong>EC's</strong> + I have the most service learning hours in my grade
-founder/co-president of the Amnesty International Club (11,12)
-founder/co-president of the Movie Club (11, 12)
-Junior Advisory Guide (11) and next year one of the people in charge of the program (12)
-treasurer of National Honor Society (11, 12)
-Third World Relief Club (10)
-JV Volleyball Captain + on Varisty (10)
-In Academy of International Studies at my school + A.I.S Board (10, 11,12)
-Graduation Project Committee (11, 12)</p>

<p>I have over 500 service learning hours by:
-volunteer at local elementary school every summer (9, 10, 11)
-voluneer at local library (10, 11)
-CIT for 3 weeks at a YMCA Camp (10)
-volunteer counselor at an Art Camp (9)
-volunteer at local walks (9, 10)
-childrens soccer coach (9, 10, 11)
-tutor for students at my school (11,
-I stay afterschool to fundraise for the Amnesty Club-which gets me more service hours</p>

<p>i've been to summer camps like NC State Design camp (2 summers), Savannah College of Art and Design Summer Camp (1 summer), and Minnesota College of Art and Design Summer Camp (1 summer)</p>

<p>I'm going to be a Governor's Page this summer</p>

<p>Awards so far::
NC Scholar-Athlete Award
Varsity Letter (volleyball)
Carpoolabra Math Award (just a little award my math teacher gave me)
29th in state for national french exam</p>

<p>just let me know what you think!</p>

<p>I don’t typically respond to chances threads, but whatever.</p>

<p>What school would you be applying to? And are you applying ED or regular?
I’m guessing art because of all the art programs? (I have a ton of friends who went to SCAD’s summer programs).
If so, you best have an outstanding portfolio.</p>

<p>There have certainly been people who’ve gotten in with <2000 sat’s, but they’re the exception and have something else that really stands out about them.</p>

<p>i would apply RD. i don’t really know what i want to do yet, but i really like design, french, and IR. my guess is that i’ll double major in someting in the college of arts and sciences and something in the college of art.</p>

<p>Generally when people make chance threads they include a list of colleges…</p>

<p>College of arts and sciences…</p>

<p>Considering it’s posted in the WashU subforum, I take it that the “list” is only one school.</p>

<p>Your SAT is probably the weakest part of the application, so retaking it is definitely a good idea, and you might want to take the ACT and see if it is easier for you (I personally scored much better on my ACT that the SAT). Your GPA also seems somewhat weak to me, but that might just be how your school district works, because I come from a school where everyone in the top 100 (of 800) has above a 5.0 weighted.
You definitely make ground in your EC’s though, most of which are stronger than only listing the generic honor societies.
I imagine that if you work more on the SATs and possibly GPA you probably have a pretty solid shot.</p>

<p>If you plan to double major, with one of the major being in the arts, your “primary” school will be the School of Art. This will somewhat improve your chances, especially if you have a strong portfolio.
Nevertheless, since WUSTL makes it very easy for the admitted students to move between the schools, they have pretty high academic standards for all admissions. Your grades and scores are on the low side. Try taking ACT, and get top grades in your first semester senior year to improve your chances.</p>

<p>I’m just curious. How do you get a 3 on the AP French test and be ranked 29th in the state for your French exam? Mess up on the AP? =P</p>

<p>LOL that’s actually a really good question! the French exam is really weird and there are multiple people who get first place, second place, third place, and so on. sooooo in short it’s not an award really, and i probably will not be listing it. </p>

<p>oh, and i think i’m going to be applying to the school of art.</p>

<p>Those state level French exams are scams basically. In Arkansas at least, someone can get a 2 on AP and still get 28th place. Someone who got a 4, got 2nd place.</p>

<p>Multiple winners for each place and grand total of 50 (exaggeration) kids taking the test.</p>

<p>i know, right? they really are scams, basically everyone places.</p>

<p>i’d say that gpa/scores are low, but it’s not unheard of. a kid from my school got accepted ed with 3.76 and 1400/1600, you have a lot of ec’s, but many are only for one or two years, not exactly commitment you have there. from a cursory glance a lot of seems like resume loading because of the awards in so many clubs that you have only been in for a year or two. it’s possible to get in, but if you apply rd you shouldn’t get your hopes up, the average from my school accepted rd is 4.5 gpa and 2270</p>

<p>i suggest improving on the gpa component, and ur Carpoolabra math sounds, erm, funny?</p>