<p>i called uf the other day because i hadnt gotten an email concerning football tickets. uf told me that aol blocks a lot of uf emails as spam so if you have an aol or aim email account then check your spam folder or update your address book to recognize uf emails as legit. u can also call uf to find out whether you got tickets. thanks bye</p>
<p>Thanks. I haven't been getting any UF emails at all for a while. I paid the deposit over a week ago, I seem to be registered for everything. Has anyone been getting any UF email recently? Anything I might be missing?</p>
<p>Well, I don't think there are really any e-mails for you to receive (yet). The most recent e-mail I received was from Housing @ UF that was basically just a notice for people who would not be living on-campus (I received it on Apr 25)</p>