<p>I am constantly seeing the exact same threads over and over again. </p>
<p>Example: Hi guys can you chance me. gpa 3.95 uw 4.65 w sat's 2200 cr+m-1400, class rank top 10 %, other bull,
i did this that and the other thing
Can i get into nyu, upenn, harvard, cornell, uc berkley....blah blah blah</p>
<p>Look 50 people ask the exact same questions everyday over and over again. Your all geniuses, not everyone will be accepted, take ur chances, look at other people threads and check it out. I have done chance me's but i don't have similar stats at all and my schools are like kansas st...etc. Top forums: one is ivy leagues, put your threads there, so ppl like me can hopefully keep a thread on the first page for more than 5 hours, and maybe ppl will answer my questions more. </p>
<p>Don't mean to rant, but jeez, everybody has the exact same stats wanting to be chanced on the exact same schools. please either read other threads and answer your own questions, and do something called research, or have a more colorful list of schools. It would be nice to see more rices, uf, uga, rutgers.. etc idk. You smarties can get into all the schools you ask about, but that doesn't mean you will, ivy leagues are selective schools, and **** happens.</p>
<p>Have some courtesy smart people, and let less fortunate ppl who were lazy like me, or maybe not as gifted or whatever may be the case, to ask questions about some reasonable schools. you guys can still post, but maybe do it in the ivy league forum, or on the specific colleges forum. There are way to many threads, a day, and if your question is similar to another, just read that one, that's what i do a lot of times, since i cant keep a questions about ohio university ,or university of alabama on the first page for more than 5 hours to be answered.</p>
<p>Thanks, no hard feeling , dont mean to discourage ppl from posting, but maybe read some threads before posting one that is probably similar to 3 other threads on the same page.</p>