Reading and Composition Requirement

Hi! I’m an incoming Freshman for the UC Berkeley Class of 2020 and I was wondering which the best classes to take to fulfill the Reading and Composition requirement. I believe that I can wave out of the 1st semester but I need to take a 2nd semester class. I was wondering which classes are interesting/not too hard for a non-English major (I’m planning on majoring in economics) and which classes to avoid. Thanks!

@youngrisingsons Classics R44 since it is the only R&C class that will also fulfill a L&S breadth! It’s 5 units but you would have to do 4 + 4 units to fulfill both R&C and a separate breadth. It also qualifies in more than one category of breadth so you can use it as you please. Average grade B+

Some departments put on their web sites instructors’ reading lists and descriptions for R&C courses. You may want to go through them to see which ones have readings most interesting to you.

Example from the English department: (click “Courses”)