Reading Strat Opinions plz

<p>Ok, the reading section has been buggin me forever. It is my weakest section and I hate those passage along with the time you get. So started to do a practice test from the Real ACT book, I read the prose fiction and only missed 1 of the 10 and the other 3 passages I did not even read the passage. </p>

<p>I just read the questions and all the answer choices and reasoned some answers out. I only went to the passage when the question refers to a line. Not sure how to explain it but sometimes I can tell what answer sounds right and corresponds to the question. </p>

<p>I scored a 27 on it but I think with more practice I could get this down and save tons of time.</p>

<p>Just wanted to throw this out there and see want you guys think of this.</p>

<p>I don't recommend doing that if you are aiming for 30+. Yes it saves time but sometimes, guessing doesn't work on certain questions. And there probably will be about 6 or 7 of them on each test so I don't think it's a good idea if you are looking for 30+.</p>