
<p>So, I read quite a bit already, but I'm looking for some new authors/series. Anyone have any recommendations? </p>

<p>Also, do any of you all read newspapers? If so, which ones..?</p>

<p>I only read my local newspaper, and occasionally USA Today.</p>

<p>I highly recommend the magazine The Week if you don’t read it already. Lots of insightful info on current event stuff.</p>

<p>Have you read 1984? Or Dan Brown stuff?</p>

<p>Have you read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini? I really liked it</p>

<p>Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets by Bill Bonner is good if you like that kind of thing…
I enjoyed Glenn Beck’s new book the Christmas Sweater…</p>

<p>Dante’s Divine Comedy is something different, and very entertaining.</p>


<p>Kite Runner. Read it. Love it.</p>

<p>I had to read Kite Runner as summer reading for AP Lit, would give it a 6/10.</p>

<p>Yea, I read that this summer. It was basically amazing…</p>

<p>Kurt Vonnegut</p>

<p>my fav book of all time: Jane Eyre: Charlotte Bronte, although it might not appeal to you as much if you’re not a girl</p>



<p>Yeah, especially Slaughterhouse-Five and Cat’s Cradle.</p>

<p>I don’t have any recommendations.</p>

<p>I read my locals newspapers.</p>

<p>Not necessarily new ones, but all of them great ;-)</p>

<p>A thousand splendid suns - Khaled Hosseini</p>

<p>Anthem or Atlas Shrugged or We the living - Ayn Rand</p>

<p>If you’re into fantasy, anything (but her newest two books) by Carol Berg and anything by Trudi Canavan</p>

<p>Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury</p>

<p>Anything by Tamora Pierce - they’re all easy to read but entertaining</p>

<p>Anything (but especially Exodus or Mila 18) by Leon Uris</p>

<p>Just some ideas :wink: If you tell me what genre you want to read, I’ll have more suggestions

<p>Yes, Glenn Beck’s new book, The Christmas Sweater, was oddly good. It’s a very low reading level though, so if you’re looking for a challenge that isn’t you thing. </p>

<p>Have you and of Jon Krakauer’s books. Everyone in my English class thinks he’s too high of a writer for them. (Which means little nothing, really.). He does a lot of flashbacks, which is a style I honestly love. He’s written Into Thin Air, Under The Banner of Heaven, and Into the Wild. Very good author in my oppinion. He does non-fiction with a novel like feel to it.</p>

<p>Although, with Under The Banner of Heaven, I’d suggest doing supplementaary research. It’s just one of those kinds of books that you can’t tell if the author has to get back at someone in his past or if he really believes it or what.</p>

<p>Anything by Tim O’Brien - I like the things they carried.
Dorothy Parker - witty, fun, insightful poems, stories and essays.
The Abhorsen series by Nix is fun if you want something light (well, its actually really dark, but you get what I mean).</p>

<p>^^ …LOL</p>

<p>If you want something interesting and non-fiction about the world, but not boring as hell, I suggest anything by Malcolm Gladwell</p>

<p>“The Tipping Point”
“Outliers: The Story of Success”</p>

<p>All excellent reads and really makes you think. The first two are bestsellers, no doubt that the last one well become one as well…</p>

<p>I second “The Tipping Point” and “Blink”</p>

<p>^ lol. Thanks man. Have you read the last one? I just got it, but haven’t started it yet. </p>

<p>Sorry to temporarily hijack this thread…</p>

<p>No, I haven’t. I’ll probably try to get my hands on it before the end of break since I rarely have the luxury of reading for pleasure when I’ve got HW etc.</p>

<p>It’s so funny everybody is mentioning The Christmas Sweater - I didn’t realize it was well-known. I got it for Christmas from my Grandma and I was like ooookkkk…?</p>