Does the Red ACT book actually have good tips or are they basic? Do you guys suggest I just use the red book for its practice test and study the tips off of Barron 36? Thanks 
i’m asking this because barron 36 and the red act book will both confuse me with their tips >_<
College Confidental is better for test taking tips. I hear Red Book is slightly easier than the actual test though. Barron’s ACT 36 is good for English though.
@kerrycake I always hear Barron’s ACT 36 is good for the English section, but what about the other sections compared to the Red ACT Book?
Don’t waste your time with fake tests. Use real tests. The fake tests don’t pick up the predictable patterns on real tests.
@mmk2015 the red book is full of real tests o.o
I only used Barron’s ACT 36 for English & Math and I feel it was lacking for Math. You could try sparknotes, I didn’t like it but it’s helpful.
For real ACT tests:
@kerrycake does the Red ACT book cover any section well in any of the sections?
I skimmed it since I don’t start studying until June but I think so.
But my test is June 6th >_>
I used the Redbook/Barron 36 combination to up my score from 26 to a 31 on the February test.
It was quite helpful. B36 is weak in science and slightly in mathematics.
I’d still give it a go with the combo of spark notes. The strong point is English. Also you’re a cuite 
Good luck!