Real chances at an ivy (or similar) without test scores

This assumes that university admissions offices will actually look at these. I cannot for the life of me see why they would do so. When you send your application, the AOs are paid to look at, and to analyze, your profile. So all that this app does is ask for them to do the exact same thing for free, during their free time.

Universities want more applicants, even if most of them have absolutely no chance of getting accepted. It makes the schools look more selective. So why would any admissions department waste time on an App that could discourage a kid from sending an application?


If I have good ECs, honors college gpa of 3.93 president of a club, and 500 + community service hours out fo the country. Do I have a chance at Yale or any ivy without sending my SAT scores? 4 people from my CC have already transferred into Yale in the past. I also think my essay is really strong.

You should start your own thread to get feedback that’s focused on your particular situation - both because that’s how College Confidential posting etiquette works, and because “chancing” and advice are quite different for CC transfers vs. high school applicants.

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Will do. Thank you.