Realized that I didn't put algebra 1 under my 8th grade

Am I screwed? did I lose out on alot of MCA? I also took geometry at a community college in 11th grade, so I started 9th grade @ algebra 2 and ended at ap calc bc as a senior

I can’t see it as a big deal. If you were allowed to take Algebra II & Trig, I think the assumption is that at some point you learned Algebra I.

I would think many students don’t show Algebra on their HS transcript because they take it in middle school. I don’t see this as anything to worry about.

Due to the issues of reporting Middle school Math classes and Foreign language classes on the new Cal State Apply application, SLO has reported that they will not penalize any applicant that did not report properly for this admission cycle. So no worries.

@bjkmom and @intparent, your logic is sound, but oddly enough, not the way the admissions algorithm works. It the past, this error has kept a few VERY qualified applicants out of highly competitive majors like CS and ME. This year though, as @Gumbymom said, the way Cal Poly collects information did not jive well with the new CSU application. Rumor has it that they will indeed do as you both suggested because so many made that mistake.

Will I be at a disadvantage compared to applicants that listed it?

For this year, you should not be at a disadvantage since they do realize that many applicants do not report their middle school grades properly.

@Gumbymom @eyemgh


I have a question regarding reporting courses on the Cal Poly application.

My high school reports the second semester of AP Government as Econ 1 on the transcript. I didn’t realize this when I submitted my application, however, and wrote that I have two semesters of AP Gov instead of 1 semester gov and 1 semester econ.

I am worried that if admitted, I can be rescinded because of this reporting error. Do you think that with a quick explanation to the admissions staff that they could overlook this issue?

Thank you for your help.

I’m not an authority, but I can’t see as it makes much difference either way.

According to Cal Poly admissions, they’ve realized that they made the mistake of not making clear on the application that you need to report middle school grades and that you won’t be penalized for forgetting to report middle school grades. This was confirmed by myself as well as a few other kids on here who called the CP admissions office. I guess you can call them as well for more assurance. Here is my hypothesis on how CP admissions will be dealing with this to level the playing field for applicants who forgot to report middle school grades as they said they would: