Reallly would like threads about Illinois Wesleyan, Muhlenberg College, Plymouth St

<p>Hi! I am a senior and I am more of a singer than actor/dancer, however I have a foundation in dance. I LOVE this forum because with all the lists of colleges and info, I really get the information I need! <3!</p>

<p>However, there are some colleges that I need info about such as :</p>

<p>Illinois Wesleyan University
Montclair State University
Rowan University
James Madison University
Stockton State University
Arcadia University
Temple University
Plymouth State University
Muhlenber College</p>

<p>I really would like to know how great the program is (faculty/facilities/oppertunites/post-grad connections) and how intense it is-- im looking to double major, at least, have a flexible non-conservatory musical theatre education. These are the more obscure universities so any information that anyone can offer can be greatly appreciated!!!</p>

<p>Thank you!

<p>Greetings and welcome to the MT forum. My S is a sophomore at Illinois Wesleyan and absolutely loves it. He is actually on a one year leave as of tomorrow (see my thread on "desperately needing advice...") but he will be back next year. The faculty is first rate - I know he wouldn't have gotten the job he just did without his year at IWU. He had a wonderful voice teacher who really stretched his range and strengthened his technique. His acting teacher was really demanding and S took risks he never would have before (the teacher's brother plays John Locke on "Lost" amd S swears he has the same scary stare.) He also had the opportunity to take a lot of dance which he loves. Academically, it's a strong LAC and while the schedule is packed with MT related courses, they say it is possible to do another major. Their gen ed requirements are not grouped traditionally (so many math so many science) but rather by emphasis (change in society, the arts, diverse cultures, logic and reasoning, writing emphasis, etc.) so it's much easier to get another major. The mainstage and blackbox are okay but need a facelift. They have a lot of other performances spaces on campus, though and the Music school is really pretty. Practice rooms are good and plentiful. The other buildings on campus are beautiful - new library, student center, natural science building, dance studios, fabulous loft upperclassmen dorms. </p>

<p>They have an interim MT director this year as the former director went to FSU late in the year last year. But a national search is being conducted and quality is definitely being upheld. Send me a pm if I can help with more info.</p>

<p>Good luck with your search - it's great you're going beyound the "usual suspects!"</p>

<p>I've heard that Muhlenberg is really good. I got in, but decided against it because it was a BA program and someone who went there told me that it wasn't as "intense" as she wanted it to be (as a BFA would be), but was still good...if you're looking to double major though, I think Muhlenberg would be a great place to do that because it's probably a fairly flexible major.</p>

<p>My D is a freshman at Muhlenberg. If you use the search function you can find threads about the school. If you have specific questions about the program, please feel free to ask me.</p>

<p>I don't know if they still do, but 2 years ago Illinois Wesleyan paid half of the air for an audition there.</p>

<p>As a professional theatre producer I have had the opportunity to work with students from Plymouth State University. It is an intensive BA program. Most of the students there do not double major, and those that do often double major in Music - Vocal Performance and Theatre - Music Theatre. This doesn;t mean that you couldn't double major... particularly if you are a super motivated student. The program is small... only 8 - 12 students in each Music Theatre class. Lots of individualized attention and performance opportunities. It is an auditioned BA program.</p>

<p>I am also familiar with James Madison University in VA. This is also a BA. There are students there who double major, althiugh the MT curriculum is pretty intense credit-wise. 58 credits out of 120 are in music, theatre, and dance. This is also an auditioned BA program. Before this year auditions were optional, but starting this year they are required for admission to the BA Musical Theatre Concentration. </p>

<p>I have also heard good things about Montclair State and Rowan... particularly on the music side.</p>

<p>As far as Muhlenberg goes.... I worked with a number of people who had transferred from Muhlenburg to toerh Universities becuase they were not happy there. Thata was a few years ago however.</p>

<p>I also suggest that you contact the schools directly. Most schools have a coordinator of the theatre or musical theatre program. They would be happy to give you information on what alums are doing.</p>

<p>You can also find out about faculty on the schools websites.</p>

<p>My daughter is thinking about applying there for MT and then doing a double major in education. Any thoughts on the program, instructors, possibility of double major?</p>

<p>There is an entire sub forum on the theater program at Muhlenberg and I suggest reading the many threads on it there. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>