<p>okay soooo. i know colleges get sent our full school transcript, including gym and crap electives. which i also hear are taken out when re-calculated. but in my school we have an A/B/C system that is weighted. not to mention classes are very hard and everyone is in general really competitive...
but on college board it says that when colleges re-calculate your gpa they do NOT use a weighted system. in which case, i would be completely fu**ed :(
is this true??</p>
<p>Best thing is to contact the schools directly and ask.
But it is pretty much true. They will for sure also take into consideration class rigor.</p>
<p>My daughter is in this boat. With a 2210 SAT and a 221 (probably NMSF in Indiana) she’s still screwed. Her GPA is only 3.66. Even THAT is due to all As in all arts classes. She switched from one school to another that grades CRAZY (NO ONE gets an “A” in an A/P class). She’s taking eight A/P exams. She took one in 9th (grade 4 in world history) and one in 10th (grade 4 in music theory), so we’re assuming grades 4/5 in thte 2 this year and 4 next year. BUT that darn GPA. This school just doesn’t grade the way some schools do. Her weighted grade is 4.34 ish. But…that will all fade to history and they’ll see, even with her standardized tests…that her GPA is going to fall well below the Ivy schools she’d really hoped for. Seems a shame…she IS “that” (Ivy) kid. But…not much one can do really. She’s in the top 1% of the state and 1% nationally…but only 7% in her school because of all the kids taking all the easy courses. Things have just gotten TOO complicated. When I graduated high school - our tests were graded and you got a percentage of 100 and everything was averaged and you got that average percentage. Seems like if all schools SIMPLY worked on a scale of 100% it would be so simple for colleges compare apples to apples and make their own conclusions. But then each school needed to reward those who took tougher classes and it got SO confusing. Even in my time…the same percentage didn’t correspond to the same grade. In my school…a 94 was a B+. These days…I know schools who give an A- for a 90%!!! So kids in schools like yours and my childs are…as you say…screwed. SEEMINGLY!</p>
<p>Take heart. This is NOT the first time around for these admissions officers. The know how to read the prospectus your school sends and they CAN read between the lines. Here’s crossing my fingers for you …and my daughter as well. Good luck.</p>
<p>thanks for the good wishes.</p>
<p>well this is pretty much the worst news i’ve heard in a loooong time. i feel like ‘taking into consideration’ is not nearly good enough. if they only knew how tough these classes are, especially at my school and similar schools. if i had known all of this as a freshman, i would not have taken all of these honors classes for nothing. now my gpa is going to be in the low '3’s…<em>cries</em>…</p>
<p>Most top schools consider your class rank instead of your GPA. That way, if you have a low GPA but are #1 in a class of 500 students, colleges will know that your classes are just ridiculously hard and your GPA won’t bring you down.</p>
<p>i don’t think we have a class rank…</p>
<p>Why is this in SAT preparation?</p>
<p>yeah, my B. i was just looking through this part of the site & was struck with sudden panic : P so i opened it up here without realizing.</p>