really hoping to go to a Loyola, chance it?

<p>3.2 ish GPA
510- Math
630- CR
660- W
1140/1800- SAT
26- ACT
Started fund focused on raising money for cancer research, assistant manager for field hockey team, varsity softball, j.v. field hockey, mary's family, relay for life, 40 hours community service, national spanish award honorable mention, job at local grocery store
Female from small town in northern virginia, moved from NJ middle of junior year.</p>

<p>Any opinion?</p>

<p>My boyfriend got in in 2004 w/a MUCH worse GPA (admittedly though, he did go to Loyola Academy, not sure how much that affected things).
26 Seems like a pretty average ACT from all my friends that I’ve talked to. I don’t see any reason why not. You’re not going to get huge merit aid, but as far as being accepted, you should be fine. It’s a good school. Feel free to post here if you have any more questions, I’d be happy to answer as best i can.</p>

<p>So you think I have a decent shot at getting in?</p>

<p>thats what she said aint it? rolls eyes…</p>

<p>hey modo when did you apply? I just applied like last week with similar scores and everything. Do you know how long it will take to hear back? I really like what I have read about luc!</p>

<p>I applied yesterday. And watch the sass haoleboy.</p>

<p>hahahahhhh :D</p>