really low gpa, but great leadership????? chances

<p>have around a 3.3/4.0 gpa and applying to georgetown for their business school. i have a 30 act and i am incredibly inclined to go to stern. I got a 730 on Math II SAT.</p>

<p>gov school for health care over the summer and wrote a research paper on reducing health care costs, only student who did so.
president of student council for three years and on the board of school directors (represent 12,000 students in the district).</p>

<p>My most important activities would be organizing a basketball tournament in 2005 to raise over $10,000 and changing school policy, which is persuading the school board to use the PSSA (pennsylvania state test) as a graduation requirement through a seven-month statistical analysis. How much would these examples of leadership help?</p>

<p>Can these activities and such offset my low gpa and test scores?</p>


<p>Well Georgetown requires 3 SATs (but a 730 in Math II is a good start). I think Georgetown is not really gung-ho about crazy good scores as it is about getting unique students that will influence the school and the future (as is the case for all selective universities).</p>

<p>Coming from a high school senior who was just accepted EA (without spectacular standardized test scores), I think as long as you really play up those leadership activities, etc. in your application (they are very impressive), it will hopefully catch the eye of the admissions officers.</p>

<p>well if you want your chances you have to list the correct business school. stern is mit, mcdonough is gtown.</p>

<p>Cloud: be sure you don’t use this in your app! gar_spartan has the correct Gtown school. fyi: Stern = NYU :)</p>

<p>lol. i knew that. now i look silly. yup. stern=nyu, sloan=mit. sorry!</p>

<p>Curious if you posted the same thing at NYU’s website. That would be kinda funny if you posted at two different sites how you are inclined to go to its business school.</p>

<p>sorry guys, i meant mcdonough, i know stern is nyu.</p>