Really need advice on what to TAG? UCI vs UCSB?

My top choice is UCLA for sure, but my second would be a tie between UCI and UCSB, which is why I want to TAG one of them to secure my opportunity if I can’t get into UCLA.

Background on me:
Transfer from CC, 4.00 GPA, Officer in two clubs and working part time, plenty of ECs, Sociology major planning to go into Sociology.

My issue comes with major preparation. The major preparation for UCSB under Sociology is quite derailed from the courses I’m currently planning to take related to Sociology. I am almost at a unit roof for financial aid, and I would have to take off the rest of my courses for my AA-T in order to just fulfill a TAG for UCSB.

With UCI, I can finish the major prep in two more courses and my TAG would be done, with room to finish my AA-T and more.

I’ve been told to TAG the one that is “harder to get into” (ie. they say UCSB), but I’d rather TAG the one I’d feel more comfortable attending. I have never visited either and won’t have the time to before the month ends.

Do you think I have a strong chance of getting into both regardless of a TAG? Does one have a better Sociology program? I’m looking for a school with many opportunities to make connections, learn and expand, gain internships, etc. It doesn’t hurt for the campus to be beautiful with lots of housing opportunities. I’d prefer somewhere safe as well, I’m a bit of a scaredy-cat haha. Any advice would be lovely.

i do think you are a very strong applicant for all of them. I think your instinct to TAG the one you want to attend is well founded. That’s the route i would take.