<p>Okay so, my legal guardian is my uncle that lives in Missouri. I am a Kansas resident who lives with my grandmother. I don't really want to get into WHY my uncle is my legal guardian, but he is, and I'm applying to KU as a Kansas resident.</p>
<p>But I don't know what to put on my FAFSA. Do I put my parents, who I was living with until May, and they filed me in their taxes, or my uncle, who is just my legal guardian? Or do I put my grandmother, because she is who I am living with?</p>
<p>God. It's so confusing. I just don't want to get denied any financial aid because everything is so messed up.</p>
<p>I believe you answer Yes to Q57 re: legal guardianship, then skip the Parental section and pick up on Q96 for independent students. That’s the way the instructions seem to read-- but I’m not that familiar with those sections–</p>
<p>Maybe others who have dealt with this sort of circumstance will know from experience.</p>
<p>Make sure you show your residence in Kansas so you get in-state tuition.</p>
<p>Are you saying the man you live with is your D biological father?
First of all, How do you file your income taxes? I think that would matter how you file FAFSA.</p>
<p>^^Oops, wrong threads. How did that happen>>></p>