<p>AP Psychology
AP Enviromental Science
AP US History
AP Economics
AP Political Systems</p>
<p>Rest are honors/gifted</p>
Debate Club President
Debate Team Captain
Philosophy Club Vice President
DECA, BETA, FBLA, Interact, and International Club member.
Mock Trial participant.</p>
<p>Laws of Life Essay Contest winner
Extemporaneous Speaking Contest 2nd Place winner
Literary Meet 2nd Place winner
Intern at hospital
Medical Conference (attending this summer)
250 hours of community service hours (medicine related)</p>
<p>Essay - I plan on writing about how my GPA is low due to a medical illness i had causing depression. After finding a donor, I decided I wanted to become a doctor and worked hard for SAT and such.</p>
<p>OK SOOO, I know my GPA is really low and am not sure how much good SAT,good essay,good EC’s would make up for it…but I just want to know what “kind” of school I should apply to. ( As far as selectivity goes)</p>
<p>I would really like to go to:</p>
<p>Emory U
Boston U
Baylor U</p>
<p>THANKS for your help…just really need to know what kind of school would be likely to accept.</p>
<p>I had stats very similar to yours(I had ADD instead of depression) and I got in this year, except I was admitted to the science and engineering program instead of what I originally applied to - the college of arts and sciences. Get that GPA up if you can, and be sure to write about your illness in the extra info section of the common app.</p>
<p>There was a VERY similar chance thread recently, and I'm not sure if you're the same person but the situation is pretty identical with great credentials but a low GPA. You'll be fine but DON'T write your essay about your illness GPA thing. They have a section specifically for that kind of stuff- which you can approach formally, thoughtfully, and also while taking some responsibility . While I don't know anything about your specific situation and I don't mean to down play it but everyone has something like that and those essays come a dime a dozen, ya know?</p>
<p>Okay so you are the same person that I referred to earlier haha. I guess you're looking for a different answer which is fine. But I dunno I would say just trust me on that one.</p>
<p>If you're admitted to SEP, you can only choose between that and the College of General Studies. Both programs have you take different classes from everyone else and then move on to the school of your choice after 2 years. In SEP, I will be taking classes in CAS and ENG and will be a student like everyone else in the class of 2012. However, my math class will only consist of people in the SEP program, which in my opinion is a good thing, because I will have a small class size compared to everyone else at BU. If you decide to do CGS, you won't get to choose your classes for the first 2 years and you can't move on to the engineering school after you're done with the CGS program. I don't know much about CGS beyond this. There are a few threads about it on this forum. That being said, I can tell you anything you want to know about SEP only because I researched it heavily before deciding to go to BU as an SEP student. Finally, all of this may not matter if you can get your GPA up. In complete honesty I think you'll be in SEP or CGS unless you can get your GPA up. Everything else looks good.</p>
<p>I think your perfectly fine. It would be nice if you could bump your GPA up a little but I really don't see a problem. CGS students have SATs of like 17/1800. Use the supplementary section to not only address your illness and whatever else associated but do it formally and stay away from emotion in a way that isn't 'pity me'. honestly you're fine either way.</p>
<p>Thanks yall..Im really looking forward to going hear. How do yall like it? I've heard some really good as well some bad stuff about it. Hows the lifestyle, how are the people, the city itself?</p>
<p>i think this is a very low match / high saftey for you lol </p>
<p>my stats were almost identical to yours and i also received the dean's & legacy scholarship. 3.0 uw GPA and ~2200 SAT I's ~ 680 SAT II's, few distinct EC's, 5 AP courses and at the time i considered BU one of my saftey schools (i'm a rising sophmore, so it really wasn't all that long ago. more like one year)</p>