RealVocabulary has a new game!

<p>Hi folks, </p>

<p>I'm still adding to the RealVocabulary site, and today we're trying out our first game. The game exactly emulates the game at (an awesome vocab site that you guys should totally check out, and probably already have). For now, our game is at this</a> location. All the words in the game are from real exams (hence the same of the site). There are five thousand words in the list, total, and in the past the list has included about 94% of the words on real SATs. You can find the list itself, as well as the game, at the site. There's also a shorter SAT-specific list if you like.</p>

<p>The levels used in the game are based on the frequency of the word in the English language (according to Google's counts).</p>

<p>Because we're still trying it out, you can't get to the game yet from the homepage, only from the URL above. </p>

<p>Please let me know what you would change! We are trying to make it easy to use.</p>

<p>Another excellent site in this vein is called SAT/ACT/GRE</a> Vocabulary Game | there's a thread about vocabking on this site.</p>

<p>That’s cool, thanks!</p>

<p>cool game. would be better if we could track what we got wrong and revisit those or something to that effect</p>

<p>Brilliant! </p>

<p>Yes, future improvements would be a grading system.</p>

<p>I tried it out and I noticed two problems:</p>

<p>1) After about ten words I got a “error=2”, I got back on and it did the same thing again</p>

<p>2) One of the words was “altruism” - the answer said it meant selfishness, which of course it doesn’t… </p>

<p>But I like the idea, and think it’s a pretty good program.</p>

<p>Thank you all so much for your feedback.</p>

<p>spratleyj, re: altruism…oops. I must have meant to type “selflessness” and gone too quickly or something. Will fix immediately; likewise the error=2 thing.</p>

<p>We’ll also add the grading system to the top of the to-do list.</p>

<p>Please keep complaining :slight_smile: if you find other bugs. As soon as we have it all straightened out, more or less, we’ll add a link from the main site.</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>Could you maybe make the correct or wrong answers more obvious after we answer the question, because I sometimes think I got it write and click next not realizing I had it wrong. Other than that, thanks :)</p>

<p>Will do; thanks for the feedback!</p>

<p>The error=2, error=4 messages are gone now, we hope: we found one error. We looked at the definition as well. If the errors reappear, it’s a new bug, so please let us know! </p>

<p>I’ve got the other suggestions on a list and we will be getting to them asap; thank you all again so much for your feedback.</p>