Reapplying to a place you turned down

I want to reapply to a company that had offered me a position during the fall semester, and I originally accepted, but had to turn down once I got back to school (Where the branch is). I travelled the route I would travel everyday if I stayed with the company, and realized it was too dangerous and unrealistic for me ( a bus and a train, about an hour commute in not the best metropolitan location). I know I should have done the research before I had accepted the position, but seeing the route in person was completely different than online. I explained my reasons and was completely apologetic in an email when I told them I could do it anymore, however I never received a response.

I want to apply again to the same company, but a different position in a completely different state. The hiring manager in this branch is the one who originally connected me to the branch I was given a position at before. Do you think reapplying is a stupid idea?

Reapplying is never a stupid idea. They likely won’t have a clue you even applied previously.

No harm in reapplying but if the hiring manager recognizes your name they may ask what happened. No one can say if they will hold it against you or not but you will never get the job if you don’t try. Good luck.