Reasonable goal

<p>Hey guys,
I took the ACT this month without any preparation, and I felt like failed the test after taking it. So, I got a 28 composite score, which isn't that bad. If I were to get a tutor or take a class and study really hard for the next couple months, what would a reasonable goal be for the ACT in April? How much do scores usually jump after taking a course or working with a tutor? Thanks</p>

<p>a 30?</p>

<p>For some reason, ACT scores don’t change as drastically as SAT scores. At least not according to alllll the people I’ve talked to. It usually goes up 2-4 points. Rarely does it go up more than 4 points. (I’ve never taken the ACT …just from what I’ve observed)</p>

<p>I’m guessing you’re a junior though so you’ve still got lots of time! I think for April a 30 would be a reasonable goal but study as much as you’re able to. and try your best …it might even be higher! Also, keep in mind the type of colleges you’re interested in/aiming for…see what the average score is and just keep that in mind.</p>

<p>I dont think taking a course or getting a tutor would be necessary…get a couple of prep books and start doing practice tests! (especially the ones from the Real ACT book or wahtever)</p>

<p>my friend got a 28 his first time taking the act.</p>

<p>with some practice tests, he managed to raise it to a 33.</p>

<p>but im guessing that doesn’t happen alot so a reasonable goal is 30 to 32 =D</p>

<p>i took it the first time with no preperation and got a 30 and took it 5 months later with only a little preperation and got a 36. i’ve heard people say you can only improve by 2 or so but i wouldnt listen to them.</p>

<p>Yup, I improved my 5 points. 26 to 31.</p>

<p>So it’s possible to improve by more. You just need to do practice tests.</p>

<p>Study and you’ll find out soon enough. Some people score incredibly high for their first try- others don’t. Same goes for score improvements; no score jump is “reasonable” because what’s reasonable is relative. Thomas Edison probably thought patenting a thousand different and as equally intriguing inventions in his lifetime was reasonable.</p>

<p>30-32 is very reasonable and doable. 33+ will require significant work. As said before, most people only go up 4 points at most, but there are always exceptions. It really depends on how much effort you put in.</p>