
<p>I’ve just applied for dorm reassignment (I got a triple at AZ-SO the first time -_-’’) and my preferences for reassignment were Gila, Villa del Puente, La Paz, and AZ/SO, all doubles. Do I have a chance of hearing back from these places within the next couple of weeks? Is there a waitlist kind of thing? If there is, is there a way to see it?</p>

<p>Also, unrelated… is there a way to change my major from Undecided (which I had originally) to something else, or do I have to wait until orientation to do that? </p>


<p>They are going to try and have as many triples as possible in AZ/SO next year because of the shortage of rooms. I have heard that triples in AZ/SO arent that bad since the rooms are so much bigger. You have zero chance of getting La Paz. I dont know about the other ones, but probably not since its so late and there is already a huge waitlist for people who dont even have rooms. You are going to have to wait until orientation to change your major from undecided, but its doesnt matter since you cant do anything until then anyways. There is no rush at all.</p>

<p>You may actually have a chance of getting reassigned to Gila or AZ/SO (a double). There is almost a zero chance of getting La Paz or Villa del Puente considering that they are the two most requested dorms at UofA. You may not hear from them until June or July. I would just wait it out because from what I hear they usually have quite a few cancellations during the summer.</p>

<p>Good chance you'll be reassigned to Gila (my dorm yay).</p>

<p>Yessss, Gila! Thanks guys. I'm excited. I needed a sink haha.</p>

<p>I was just re-assigned to AZ-DSO double and my request took about 3 weeks.</p>

<p>Here is the procedure:</p>

<p>ResLife:</a> Campus Housing Reassignment Request</p>