Rec. Letters

<p>I looked through Cornell's website and could not find an answer to this question: Is it okay to send two additional recommendation letters? Can anyone help clarify this? I don't want to be docked for sending more than the limit.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>its fine, plenty of people will do it and it can only help. How much it helps is up to the adcom</p>

<p>The adcom will read them…but only submit the letters if they each say something your other letters don’t say about you.</p>

<p>I sent three letters of rec. It only helps when they say positive things.</p>

<p>I sent a total of 4 letters. 2 from junior year teachers (math and ss) and one from a sophomore year teacher that was my club advisior for many clubs. I also had an alumni letter.</p>