Receiving FAFSA and the Cal grant after a Gap year possible? Gap semester?

I had an extreme amount of difficulty choosing which college to attend, and since I am the first in my family going to college, there was little help. I had waited till it was a bit too late, and now even community classes are filled up. I’m thinking if I take a Gap year, the csu i was planning on attending may accept me back. Or, maybe I could wait a semester and start community college when classes are a bit more open. The only problem for me is financial aid, and if I do not get the same package as I did previously, I may not be able to attend college. I’m wondering if there is a way to retrieve FAFSA and the Cal Grant after a gap year or semester? Please help!

Am a little confused because your header says University of Florida Miami. Cal Grants can only be used for schools in California. Cal Grants are for residents of California. FAFSA is renewed every year. Contact the college you were accepted at and ask your questions. Not registering for classes is a poor excuse for taking a gap year. Make an appt with a counselor and go from there. Unfortunately in college no one is going to hold your hand like they did in high school. You need to hit the ground running.

You really need to contact the CSU and tell them you aren’t planning on attending. The CSU dispenses your CalGrant. If you don’t show up, or don’t contact anyone, you may not receive the financial aid you were expecting and you may not be readmitted.

Also, if you register for CC classes before attending your CSU, you might then be considered a transfer student and your admission criteria and FA will change. You may have to wait because you would be required to have 60 units before reapplying.

It is very important that you contact your CSU NOW! You are now considered an adult with adult responsibilities.

School is about to begin and you are still doing the “what ifs” dance.

Make up your mind on what you are going to do, or it will be decided it for you.

Why are you in the Florida forum? CalGrants will NOT cover any OOS schools.