Reception tomorrow in CT

<p>Looking forward to the reception tomorrow night, although not sure what to expect. Anyone go this year? H is debating whether to leave work early to attend. Do the students actually get to meet Dr. Witt? Is there Q & A or just speakers?</p>

<p>I went to the one in my area last year and thought it was awesome (I am a student at UA this year ;)). There is time for Q & A and there are parents and students as well as faculty and administrators. I think it was very worthwhile.</p>

<p>We got to our reception a little early (Huntsville, AL), and Dr. Witt was standing in the lobby talking with different students and parents.</p>

<p>He had come to D’s AP class earlier that day, so she had already met him there. They had quite a long personal conversation when he was in her class, for some reason. So she went right up to him at the reception. They talked and her dad and I got to meet him.</p>

<p>Since y’all are so far away from Alabama, I’m not sure how many people will attend your reception. Ours was crowded, and filled practically the entire Grand Ballroom at the Westin. If it’s less crowded than ours, it should be even easier to get to meet Dr. Sharpe in person.</p>

<p>Hi Cheerleader! Hope all is going well for you. :)</p>

<p>*Ours was crowded, and filled practically the entire Grand Ballroom at the Westin. If it’s less crowded than ours, it should be even easier to get to meet Dr. Sharpe in person. *</p>

<p>Was Dr. Sharpe there?</p>

<p>OOPS! I didn’t mean Dr. Witt at all, I meant Dr. Sharpe! I apparently have not had enough caffeine yet this morning for my brain to be working properly.</p>

<p>We have NOT yet met Dr. Witt in person. Sorry for the misleading info everyone!!</p>


<p>I was at the New York reception last night and Dr. Witt was the keynote speaker, he is an excellent speaker and very eloquent. There was also a student speaker and a parent speaker.</p>

<p>Go the reception early for some one on one time with the representatives/student. You can also do a meet and greet afterwards and there is an answer and question period. Light refreshments and food were served.</p>

<p>It was a very interesting and informative time. I was there as a parent of a current student and had some very interesting conversations with prospective students and their parents.</p>

<p>Dr. Witt will be speaking tonight!!</p>

<p>The reception was great last night, typical ‘bama- ha ha. Pres. Witt was very informative. He spoke about some of the new flashy stuff as well, the whole safety thing with the cell phone and the pin number is unreal, plus the washers that call you when your wash is done, well, wow. I knew he grew up locally, but didn’t know he went to the boys’ prep school in the town we live in. </p>

<p>Robotbldmom’s son was the speaker and he was very impressive. I can’t believe he is only a freshman. I got to meet Robotbldmom & her S. Super nice people. My S had already met him while he was down last month for an overnite. Plus, I spoke with the guy who I already met at the grocery store who organized the function. So, it was very nice it a more familiar kind of way now.</p>

<p>I don’t know a thing about the cell phone and PIN thing…would you mind sharing? Thx!</p>

<p>Pres Witt said it is new safety technology. If your S or D signs up for it- if they get into trouble safety-wise they type in their unique pin into their cell phone and campus police are notified, gps pinpoints their location and their picture pops up along with it. Pretty cool if you ask me. I wonder how far off campus it reaches.</p>

<p>^^^Is there a parent version that lets us see where they are at 3am? :)</p>

<p>Ha Ha Ha, I don’t think I will want to know :slight_smile: It may be a little “big brother” for my S, but I will encourage it if it goes off campus a bit, you never know when you might get stuck somewhere.</p>