<p>OK I am going to start it...</p>
<p>Any news that they may get recognized before 3rd tri begins?</p>
<p>OK I am going to start it...</p>
<p>Any news that they may get recognized before 3rd tri begins?</p>
<p>sorry I was out a few days and miss this discussion earlier…</p>
<p>Oh well Recognize 2012!!!</p>
<p>At least you are still laughing with final approaching. </p>
<p>Good luck on exams!</p>
<p>I am curious when the latest recognition date in recent school history was? Hopefully 2012 doesn’t earn that title. I think they will see recognition sometime between the beginning of 3rd tri and tax day. RECOGNIZE the lowly plebes of 2012!!!</p>
<p>Class of 2011 got recognized on Good Friday last year. I believe it was the end of March. But they had passed their PKT’s by then. Not sure how many 2012 has passed at this point. I’m sure they will be recognized by June ball. :D</p>
<p>Last I heard 6 for sure hopeful on 7, definitely after the 3rd tri starts!</p>
<p>Not for a little while…they’ll get it when they earn it. So far they haven’t. But defineately sometime after 3rd Tri starts and before graduation :-)</p>
<p>My plebe told me yesterday they have passed 10 of 12.</p>
<p>Next week is finals, then spring break, then B split goes to sea. The earliest I see it is the week of the 23rd. That is if they can take the last two PKT in that time period. I know finals are of most importance now but I hope the ones holding the group back will study over break. </p>
<p>How are the spirit missions going? I heard band co had a pre-recognization. I heard they sometimes have their own early and they PTed for about 10 hours in the mud and rain last week. Not sure what that is all about.</p>
<p>Recognize 2012 Recognize 2012 Recognize 2012 Recognize 2012
<p>I’m under the impression that some only have 6 or 7. So while I’ll root them on and say Recognize 2012!!! I’m certainly not holding my breath since I truly believe it won’t happen until a little after they return from break. Still gotta get all the plebes over the PKT hump. And we definitely can’t forget those dreaded 2nd tri-final exams.</p>
<p>Is grilled cheese on the menu?
<p>And 2012 moms & dads…stay tuned on this forum…some of us found out on here last year the night it was happening!! very exciting!!!</p>
<p>all the “helicopter” parents really need to relax. your kid will be fine. do you really care when it happens? not that your ranting will do anything about it, but i have no doubt that some parents will write their congressman and complain about it. its time to pretend that your kids actually go to a “military” academy and let them grow up a little</p>
<p>I think you have caught me on a bad day. I usually just click away from these type of comments.</p>
<p>You are not a parent. You are not here in our shoes supporting a young adult from a distance. Just as we support our students with grades, getting home safely to and from breaks, and other various issues, we are here to support our plebes and their parents in their recognition. </p>
<p>It has been a “tradition” here on this forum to encourage and give praise to the students to be recognized. </p>
<p>We are not “ranting” we are encouraging… that is a HUGE difference.</p>
<p>USMMA–to explain—no it is not a life changing event for us parents but, if it is important to our young adult, it is important to us too. Thus the encouraging words of RECOGNIZED 2012. </p>
<p>Now if you could remember those of us chearing 2012 on and wishing you well on landing a great job ‘before’ graduation…let’s us know if you hear anything so we can watch the webcams! heheheh…</p>
<p>Good luck on finals and licensing exams.</p>
<p>Nothing wrong with sharing in the excitement! And that it is!!! I am excited for you plebe parents and will enjoy watching it happen.</p>
<p>KP2009…Hmmm…I’ll be polite here. I, like probably the other couple of parents here on this thread are having a little fun, not being so called “helicopter parents.” In fact I would not seriously believe that a post on this board would sway anyone at KP to recognize any plebe class. I strongly believe all plebes need to pay there dues to earn the title midshipman. I joined this thread 14 months ago and followed the board ever since. This time last year I read many posts saying “recognize 2011” etc. etc. I thought this is a ritual that family and friends participate in each year. That’s it, nothing more. So, in the immortal words of SGT. Hulka from the movie Stripes…“Lighten up Francis.”</p>
<p>If they don’t make it to recognition…at this point…with the exception of 2nd tri finals kicking them out/setting them back…something is seriously screwed up.</p>
<p>Anyone who seriously thinks either, a.) that this thread is some type of actual demand for plebe recognition or, b.) that making these statements of “recognize 2012” will make any difference in the time frame these plebes get recognized is living in bizarro world. This thread is for entertainment purposes, there is no seriousness involved. Leave people alone, and if folks want to have a little fun and playfully root the class of 2012 on (or any class for that matter) so be it. Lighten up ladies and gentlemen, it’s all in GOOD FUN!</p>