Recommend me MATCH schools in the Northeast

<p>GPA (unweighted): 3.66
(weighted): 5.095
Class Rank: 17th out of about 500(top 5%)
SATs: 740 Math, 710 Reading, 700 Writing (should be able to bring it up to 800 Math and maybe a bit higher on reading)</p>

<p>Classes (my HS is always ranked around 250 in Newsweek ratings, and we always have a decent amount of MIT/Harvard/other Ivy leaguers in each class)
Middle School (with HS credit): Spanish I, Spanish II, Algebra I, Algebra II, some more I'm forgetting (I don't have my transcript on me)</p>

<p>Freshman: GT Math 9 (geometry), GT Biology, PE, Fundamentals of Art, Spanish III, GT English 9, GT American Government</p>

<p>Soph.: Spanish IV, GT Math 10 (trig, analytical geo, and college alg.), AP Comp. Sci, GT World History, GT English 10, GT Chemistry, PE</p>

<p>Jr.: AP US History, Hon. Cisco Networking (I & II), AP English Language, GT Physics, Honors Eng. Tech (no GT offered), AP Calc I & II (AB Exam), AP Stat</p>

<p>Sr. (next year): AP Econ, AP English Literature, AP Physics (double period - w/ electricy and magnetism), AP Calc III (BC exam), Hon. Advanced Cisco (III & IV), Health/Military History (stupid graduation requirements )</p>

<p>The only AP exam I've taken so far is Computer Science, which I got a 4 on (long story). I took 4 this year, and expect 5's on each (although a 4 in English wouldn't surprise me). GT stands for Gifted and Talented (the highest available before AP). My grades weren't as good as they could have been my first two years, but this year I'm looking at straight A's, so I'll be fine with teacher recommendations.</p>

<p>Anyway, the only ECs I have are golf team (Varsity the past two years - we routinely win the county championship and compete in States) and Ski Club. In hindsight, I kind of regret not joining Key Club or Mock Trial - or just some stuff to put on an application. I spoke to my counselor about this, and he seemed to not be too concerned with it, saying colleges want to know how you spend your time (I work about 20 hours a week at a local golf club during school, 30-40 hours during the summer, and spend the majority of my free time in the winter driving an hour into PA to snowboard). I'm also interested in a computer engineering major, and have been building and maintaining my own PCs since I was 14 (I figure it can't hurt to include stuff like this, right?).</p>

<p>I want to go to school somewhere where I have easy access to great snowboarding, so I've been looking at Dartmouth or Cornell (not as good for riding but still better than my current situation) as a reach school and University of Vermont as a safety, but I need matches. Someone in another thread said Middlebury as a match? It doesn't look like they have an engineering program?</p>

<p>Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>Colgate, Colby, and Bates would probably be matches. Hamilton, too maybe? I think Middlebury is a reach for most--they waitlisted 1200 people this year out of an applicant pool of 5000.</p>

<p>All the Boston area schools for snowboarding (Brown, BU, NE, Brandeis, Tufts) Cornell practically has their own hill. Lehigh is right near a slope but not big time mountains like you'll find in Mass., NH, Vermont.</p>

<p>Go on each school's web sites and search under SB Club and see what you find. Our S is in the Honors Program at BU and their club goes to VT every Sunday, a hill 40 minutes away on Wednesdays, plus three day weekend or break trips to Quebec and Whistler.</p>