Recommendation from a class I did poorly in

Junior year I took a math class and had no idea what was going on most of the time. I worked incredibly hard, did all my work, and studied for at least an hour a day. I walked out of that class with a D. The teacher for that class has commented on how hard I worked and that she respects that. Do you think it would be smart to ask that teacher fro a recommendation? I was thinking that maybe it would show that even when something is difficult I keep trying. Opinions?

That teacher is going to say something along the lines of “he’s not the brightest, but at least he really work hard to get a D”. I think a Rec from a teacher that you got a B from is one thing…but a D. I wouldn’t recommend it. I would more quickly get a rec from a sophomore math teacher that gave you an A. You basically have to prove that the D was a fluke.

Dude… A D your junior year? Talk to your counselor…this is serious trouble.

I agree, if you worked hard and got a B or something then I’d say go for it, but if you ended up with a D I’d ask another teacher for a recommendation.