Question for anyone who has been accepted to Bard.
Their admissions page says the following: “Teacher recommendations: We prefer that one recommendation come from an English or humanities instructor and one from a math or science instructor.”
I’m wondering how strict they are about this. Did anyone get accepted after submitting, say, two recommendations from humanities teachers or two from STEM teachers, (or one from an art teacher, etc.)? Thanks for any info!
I’d say go with the teacher who can delicately weave your background while still shining a different light on you. It helps them confirm what you say elsewhere in your application. Of course great to be in the realm of what you’d like to study, or from core subjects, but it’s more important the quality and work put into the letter than the subject taught.
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Thank you, @35YearoldCUNY. This is good advice and echoes what I’ve seen elsewhere. Most of the schools my daughter is planning to apply to next year are less specific, but Bard seems to want recommendations from specific subjects. Given the realities of virtual learning this year, my daughter’s interests, and being at a large school where students don’t often have the same teachers more than once, her best recommendations are likely to come from English, History, or music teachers - not many great options from math or science. I guess we’ll have to hope these are good enough.
My daughter was accepted and had two recs from Humanities teachers. 
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This is great to know! Thanks so much, and congratulations!
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