recommendation letters

<p>For scholarship purpose, where do we send the recommendation letters to?
cuz I already sent mine to the office of admissions! Did I mess up already?</p>

<p>i’m wondering the same thing! I sent mine to the office of admissions, and It shows up on the application status page, but one the scholarship status it says they haven’t received any recommendations. do you send them to both perhaps?</p>

<p>ktm4191, when did u apply and when did u get the username/pass thing?
I applied 2 weeks ago (sent everything in) but haven’t received ANYTHING!
I am kinda worried.</p>

<p>I applied in the middle of September, and I was accepted about two weeks later. I think it was then that I got my howdy portal password and username, I might be mistaken though. And don’t worry! I’m sure they have a lot more applications to go through right now than they did in September, I’m sure you will hear something soon! (it also took almost a week after “a decision was made” for the acceptance letter to come in the mail)</p>