<p>Hey I was thinking of applying to summer programs and they need two letters of recs. I'm just wondering where people get their recs when all their classes are huge lectures.. How do you ask those professors for rec when all they can say is probably oh he got a A. Or do you guys ask TAs? Thanks</p>
<p>I asked for a med school recommendation from my biochem prof...and it was a large class. I just set up a time to meet with him. I brought copies of my publications, my CV, my personal statement and grades. I wrote him a list of things I wanted him to mention in my letter and then we talked for a little while about.</p>
<p>You can also ask your TA to write a letter (if the programs allows is) and the prof might also need to sign the letter.</p>
<p>Wow thats impressive! lol.</p>
<p>^^yeah....I can overdo things sometimes :D</p>