<p>I came into highschool without any concern for grades or anything really academic. But abruptly, by the end of freshmen year, I saw the urgency to start doing better. Unfortunately, my freshman GPA ended up being ~2.9 UW and ~3.1 W (two D's in electives). I turned it around the moment summer started last year, taking Bio Honors + Research and continued to take more difficult courses into my sophomore year (EHAP, English 2 Honors). I ended up with about a 3.7w and 4.4uw sophomore gpa. Right now I'm enrolled in Chem Honors + Research and plan to take 4 APs next year. With consideration to my possible teachers, my predicted GPA is around 3.8 and 4.5 by the time I apply. Where should I apply with such a "stain"? UC's and Stanford are the only two I've found that won't look deeply into my freshman year. Stanford is an extremely far reach and UC's seem to be match -- any options that fall into the middle? I was hoping possibly Northwestern, NYU, Reed, USC, Carleton etc. -- unfortunately, they all seem to give a lot of attention to freshman year.</p>
<p>EDIT: And by predicted GPA, I mean for Soph to Senior GPA.</p>