Recommended AP Prep Books

<p>I have already browsed through the "Consolidated book suggestions for AP" thread, and have narrowed the list of AP prep books I want to buy. However, I have not narrowed it enough. Currently, I have the following:</p>

<p>Computer Science*
Maria Litvin

<p>English Literature
Cliffs Notes
Princeton Review

Princeton Review
5 Steps to a 5</p>

<p>Environmental Science*
Smartypants' Guide
Princeton Review</p>

<p>European History
Princeton Review

<p>Human Geography*

<p>Physics C*
Princeton Review
James Mooney
5 Steps to a 5</p>

<p>Spanish Language*

Princeton Review</p>

<p>U.S. Government
Cliffs Notes
Princeton Review

<p>U.S. History*

<p>First, I must note that I am not necessarily planning on taking all of these exams. But I am seeking recommendations for which books to remove from and add to my list. I have more than 2 books for each subject, but I would prefer only 2 books. Please take into consideration that the asterisks indicate self-study (if I were to take the exam). There are a few subjects where I have only a few books (1 or 2), but if anyone else feels I must have a certain book for that subject, please recommend! Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Also, I acknowledge that prep books are not necessary for AP English Literature. I received a 5 on AP English Language without any prep books. However, I would like to be at least more prepared.</p>

<p>All of the Econ. books you have listed there aren’t necessarily the best, from what I’ve heard. Some people have suggested The Dummies’ Guide to Economics, even if it isn’t AP-oriented, because it has thorough explanations of concepts and graphs that the test likes to cover. For practice MC and FRQ, though, most people say that Barron’s is the way to go… I think.</p>

<p>Physics C*
Princeton Review. I have it, it’s good.
[</a> Cracking the AP Physics B and C Exams, 2006-2007 Edition (College Test Prep): Princeton Review: Books](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>Spanish Language*
Barron’s. I have it, it’s pretty helpful. Though, AP languages are kinda hard to self-study.</p>

Princeton Review. I had it. Got a 5.</p>

<p>U.S. History*
AMSCO. Best one. comprehensive, helpful, AP oriented.</p>

I personally liked REA but I’ve never used AMSCO …</p>

<p>Human Geography
I have Barrons and it seems really comprehensive</p>

<p>English Lit
Using CliffsAP…basically just using the practice tests</p>

<p>Environmental Sci
MOst people I know used Barrons</p>

We’re using CliffsAP…it’s pretty good but doesnt seem as comprehensive as I would like it so I might get another one. I’m thinking about getting PR. I looked at REA for Euro but it just didnt look as good as the one for US History…</p>