Recommended Classes: Area Requirements

<p>So pretend I'm a sophomore in the EN school, trying to figure out how to fulfill general requirements. And, yeah, I am.</p>

<p>Would anyone care to share any recommendations on which classes that qualify as NS, LA, SS, or TH credits are especially good? Or how you've handled general requirements/clusters?</p>

<p>Offhand, I'd recommend any of the "Text & Tradition" classes, if you can get in, as especially interesting TH classes. Apparently there used to be a few SS "Text & Tradition" classes, but I haven't seen any of those being offered recently. </p>

<p>Actually, (since I'm minoring in a Text & Tradition) I only need to find two good SS classes, but after scouring the course listings, nothing really stood out in that area, so I thought I'd make a general thread for it. Any and all thoughts are appreciated, thanks :)</p>