<p>What classes should I take in college if I want to pursue a career in the medical field (like optometry)? I know major doesn't quite matter, but there must be some classes that optometry schools like. I'm going to take some psychology classes and some science classes of course, but should I take some other classes...like foreign language or something? Thanks for any help!</p>
<p>Obviously you'll have your science prerequisites.</p>
<p>1.) Make sure to take physics at least up through optics -- probably third semester?
2.) Genetics and cell biology are less important for you than for premeds, but don't forget physiology and maybe even anatomy.
3.) Multivariable calculus is very nice -- this goes for all people, not because you're pre-opto -- in terms of helping you understand the way things change over time and with respect to other variables.
4.) Spanish. Spanish, Spanish, Spanish.
5.) Writing courses. Lots and lots of writing.
6.) Some science course which will make you read and write lots of science papers.
7.) Statistics.
8.) Because everybody should know these: microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, game theory.</p>