Recommended Colleges?

I’m hitting a bit of a wall and need some (by that, I mean a lot) of help. I’d like a college with:

  • Biology, architecture, and French/ other foreign languages (have to have)
  • Mid-Atlantic/ Northeast/ Pacific Northwest
  • Something that I could get into semi-easily with my GPA (4.0 uw, 4.4 w), course load (7 APs), top 10% of my class
  • Preferably near the mountains. Whether it’s in a big city or not doesn’t matter as long as it’s a nice
  • Nice-ish dorms
  • It’s okay if it’s a party school as long as it has a good education side
  • Price doesn’t matter, as long as it isn’t way expensive
  • Nice architecture
    I probably sound really picky, but any suggestion would be great.

There are websites that could help you with that. I remember using one a few years ago, but I can’t think of the name… It asks you questions about location, campus size, etc. and then you have to rate how important it is for you. Maybe you can google it?

I know there’s one on the college board website, but that one didn’t have a huge list of colleges and some of the data is old. I’ll try to give it another try though.

Architecture may be your most limiting criterion. To clarify, do you mean the availability of courses in architecture, common through many art history departments, or the availability of a major or minor in the specialty?

It’d be okay if it was through an art history department.

Considering your interest in campus aesthetics, you may be able to get a few ideas from this article: “The 25 Most Beautiful College Campuses in America” / Thrillist. By your geographical constraints alone, UW-Seattle, Lewis & Clark, Wake Forest, Mt. Holyoke, UVa, Hamilton and Yale are schools that appear.

haha yeah I guess my list is really aesthetic based. Thanks!

(Though I’d consider WF Southern, not Mid-Atlantic.)

Gettsyburg College is quite beautiful and if your stats are high there could be a very good scholarship. St. Lawrence is another. The setting between the St. Lawrence river and the Adirondacks is pretty impressive. In Vermont, there is UVM and St. Michael’s very close to Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks on one side and the Green Mountains on the other.

Yeah the South East is okay, as long as it doesn’t get like too hot-hence my love for the mountains. I’m really considering UVa and UW-Seattle, but I’m just concerned with the lowish acceptance rates.

@OnTheBubble those seem like what I’m looking for,thanks!

Of the schools in #5, UW-Seattle would generally be the least difficult at which to gain admission. UVa would indeed be in the top three.

Seconding St. Lawrence regarding its incredible location.

Whitman sounds ideal for you.

@aubvs814 St. Lawrence has a location right out of National Geographic, and a nice town though small.

To the west is an area call Thousand Islands which is a real treat. To the east are the northern Adirondacks. Both Ottawa and Montreal are accessible for weekend trips.

The student body is very outdoorsy and jockey and they are crazed over the hockey team, which is a top 25 team in Division 1.

Academically it is also strong and highly regarded. Don’t worry about the heat, :wink:

St.Lawrence does sounds really great so I’m definitely looking into that. I live in Virginia so I don’t know much about hockey, but day trips to Canada do sound like my kind of thing :))

Acknowledgement of St. Lawrence’s beautiful location notwithstanding, you would like Hamilton’s as well. The school is set on the edge of a plateau, overlooking two valleys.

I think @marie122 is thinking of the super match tool on this site.

-Barnard College
-Connecticut College
-Hobart & William Smith Colleges
-Lehigh University
-Mount Holyoke College (Female)
-Smith College (Female)
-Temple University (You’ll get full tuition + $8,000)

-University of Pittsburgh

If architecture is a major or degree then that will limit you - do a search with those qualifications
UVA seems like an obvious choice
If architecture is a few classes taught in whatever department then that is available at many many places

If it is beauty of a campus versus beauty of the area decision those can be two different things
Saratoga Springs is beautiful - Skidmore architecturally is meh for example
Bard area is OK - architecturally Bard is impressive

Unfortunately these are all just opinions - go out and visit a few colleges NOW and see what feels right to you

Lehigh appears to have everything you want.

Northeastern is in Boston but it’s not a far drive to go Skiing and it fits everything else well - very urban but Boston is a very clean city and has a nice feel.