Recommended SAT Prep Class?

<p>I know this has been asked in the past, but I'm looking for updated opinions on the best SAT Prep Class. In particular, has anyone had success with the on-line classes? How about ePrep? Are the Princeton classroom sessions effective - or are they too hard to pay attention?</p>

<p>Also, what SAT book do you recommend? </p>

<p>There is so much information out there... I'm looking for some current opinions and recommendations.</p>


<p>B/c there are many sources out there, it is you yourself who synthesize information for your own use. I know you are a lil confused right now, yet it is also worth scouring the previous posts or just, say, recent threads in CC to find the pieces of advice that you think practical.</p>

<p>If someone offers recommendations to you here, there’ll be more, more and more posts that are totally unnecessary since similar ones already exist. Period.</p>

<p>One word of advice before you choose a prep class, prep classes are useful only in getting one to about a 2100-ish score. Beyond that, it all boils down to what sort of solid essay examples you have (you can’t be spoon fed these), how much practice you’ve done (requires initiative) and how much luck and anxiety you have on test day (you can’t really control the former; and it’s really hard to control the latter). so if you’re significantly below 2100, then go for a class. if not, trust me, you’re better off with the Blue Books and several other good books that others on CC might recommend.</p>

<p>Princeton Review.</p>

<p>Would you recommend a course for someone with an 180-195 PSAT Score w/ little studying wanting to get a 2100?</p>

<p>Absolutely not. You can study on your own.</p>

<p>Arachnotron, would Collegeboard’s Online Course help? I mean, it is a much better value than prep courses and they grade my tests including essays for me. So would it be a good idea to buy it?</p>

<p>It has practice tests, so yes, I’d say buy it. The course itself is just what you’d get from doing the BB, but the tests are original, so the price is justified.</p>

<p>Alright, I will buy the online course. Thanks for your help Arachnotron</p>

<p>No problem, avman. It’s my job as resident…well, I don’t really have a title, but you’re welcome :)</p>