
<p>S received the message that he was able to recontract. I wanted him to in case the apartment thing didn’t work out. The message says the deposit is refundable by June 1 “by the discretion of the HRC”. I didn’t know that, I thought all but $25 was refundable. Now I don’t know what he should do. Hmmm</p>

<p>S just got this email:<br>
" I am sorry to have to inform you that demand for housing exceeds the
available space on campus for next year, and you will not be able to
complete the recontracting process at this time."</p>

<p>He had an email yesterday that rising seniors, then rising juniors, then rising sophmores are taken off the list in that order. Although he really is a rising (still 18 year old) sophmore, in hours he is a rising Junior. He wonders if this is why and should he call housing??? He does not have a car so this is a problem and really did not expect this. He is currently in Ridgecrest South.</p>

<p>My daughter got a spot for housing, but she’ll be declining it. She’s decided to live off campus. New spots should be opening up due to this situation, so hopefully it will work out for your son!</p>


<p>Find out if your son can be put on a waiting list…if so, he’ll probably get a spot.</p>

<p>Did he meet all the deadlines?</p>

<p>kmwjes - - not sure your situation, by anyone who is currently in Honors Housing should have been allowed to recontract.</p>

<p>UA Housing has sent several emails, most recently on 1/31 that contains this language:<br>
"Students who have housing scholarships; have a specific medical need that necessitates living on campus; and those who are eligible for and will be participating in a living-learning community (including Honors Housing) will not be waitlisted, as long as they meet all HRC deadlines. "</p>

<p>i agree that it will probably work itself out (this happened to my daughter last year). go ahead and email them, just in case.</p>

<p>He is currently in Ridgecrest South.</p>

<p>Is he in the honors or non-honors side? I thought that those in honors were told that they could recontract (if they met deadlines).</p>

<p>For NMFs on housing scholarship who are recontracting (S is a rising Junior) for Fall 2012, do they pay the $250 housing deposit by Feb. 8th or is this waived due to the scholarship? Can’t remember what we did last year.</p>

<p>Yes you do pay the deposit. It will be credited back to you in the Fall (minus the $25 application fee) when the scholarship is applied.</p>

<p>Just spoke to the UA Housing then to UA Honors who understood what I thought : per UA Housing email
" Students who have housing scholarships…and those who are eligible for and will be participating in a living learning community (including Honors Housing) will not be waitlisted.</p>

<p>They said there was an error and other Honors freshman students currently living in Ridgecrest South - North Tower (an honors dorm) did receive the same erroneous email as my son. They said that he should be getting a corrected email next week confirming next years dorm assignment.</p>

<p>I am also sending an email to Alicia Browne to confirm this in writing as this has been only verbal confirmation.</p>

<p>Thank you all for your input!</p>

<p>Son is a rising junion on NMF. I paid the deposit this morning and even got the Proxy Code already. We’re good to go for room selection and pulling in roommates. We did the same thing last year. Yes, you do pay the deposit, but will get it refunded in the fall when the scholarships come in. A nice little “found money” on the credit card in the fall. With the increase in OOS students on scholarship, I was thrilled to get the email that he qualified for housing and the recontracting process. I haven’t talked to him about it yet, but I’m sure he intends to stay in the same room, where he’s been since freshman year. I’m hoping he won’t have to move to the Bluffs or a further dorm, as he loves his location and its proximity to the engineering buildings and the Ferg.</p>

<p>^ Looks like first thing on first recontracting day he will have the option of selecting his same room. Shouldn’t be an issue!</p>

<p>DS just received an email of apology from UA Housing and that the previous email was sent by mistake. All good now, whew!</p>

<p>Hooray! Glad to hear all is good.</p>

<p>Will the new dorm be available for re-contracting?</p>

<p>There will be some availability in North Bluff for current students. But how long it will last will depend on demand and returners’ wish to select their own space instead.</p>

<p>As I understood, North Bluff is NOT Honors Housing, so be careful…if you select non-honors, you cannot go back to Honors Housing.</p>

<p>For the process of choosing rooms for current students:
I now that there are different room selections on different days, as in “Same building, different dorm,” and “different building,” etc. If we choose a room in the same building (as a backup) but actually want to move to a different dorm, can we still choose that dorm on the date available to choose a different building even though we’ve already made a room selection?</p>

<p>Returning students are welcome to switch to a different room or building even after selecting that they want to stay in the same room or same building. </p>

<p>Keep in mind that some dorms might closed to returning residents who do not already live there.</p>

<p>^^^Are you sure? I know last spring/summer that the rising sophomores weren’t able to switch rooms around like the incoming freshman were able to do until July. I don’t know when they “lock in” the returning students vs. the incoming freshman.</p>