Recovering from 3.3 GPA student

Does anyone have any experience of turning their life around and recovering from a somewhat low GPA and turning into an A student?

It depends, what grade are you in? @highschooler235

Just finished first semester of junior year.

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No problem. Seriously. Some of the most successful people on the planet messed up high school. Do not worry.

  • Do as well as you can and then don't sweat the rest.
  • If your GPA is lower than you like, you can either 1) raise it in community college and transfer or 2) raise it in a lower tier college and transfer.

I strongly advise all students to take a year or two off between high school and college. For peace of mind and richer understanding of life.

Thank you so much, I may have just needed reassurance from someone that I shouldn’t stress too much.