Recruiting Timeline?

What is the timeline and how things progress for swim recruiting? What are the steps? I’m a rising junior and coaches were allowed to contact us starting two days ago but some recruits don’t start contact until the end of junior year, not sophomore.

Which division are you looking at? My D21 started filling out recruiting questionnaires before junior year, and we met a few coaches that fall, at our request. The D1 coaches started regular emails after that and she had one official visit in the winter and another set for spring that was cancelled (Some of her teammates had officials in the fall). D3 coaches ramped up communication towards the end of junior year and are now doing pre-reads. I think this is a pretty standard schedule which hasn’t been too derailed by Covid-19.

I am looking at D1. Most coaches are behind on recruiting because of Covid situation so I think it is going to end up being pushed back at least a little. I know that someone who swims at Georgetown got in touch at the end of their junior year and was recruited in mid fall of their senior year. Is this a probable time to expect things or should it be earlier?

I don’t know about any program in detail, but overall I would expect recruiting timelines to be extended.

Continue to do the things that are in your control…fill out questionnaires, reach out to coaches, train for your sport, send new times to coaches, etc.

Good luck.

“Continue to do things that are in your control” - Words of the day for recuritment, the college admissions process for our '21s and life!!! :smiley:

I was told that The NCAA Division I Council will be meeting again this week or next to determine the plan for the month of August. Do you think there is a chance they could extend the “dead” period through August?

I definitely think it is a possibility, but I don’t think they will. They are so behind on the class of ‘25 that it honestly won’t even really make a difference!

Ugh… they extended…

I’m confused about the D1 dead period. How are coaches supposed to recruit if they can’t have in person contact or even watch the kids play? What does this mean for 21s that were hoping to go D1?

From the kid’s perspective, this pushes so much into the fall. Between adjusting to a new education experience, applying to colleges they may never have seen and now, potentially, needing to go to prospect days or overnights, its really overwhelming.

Rumor is it that the dead period will ultimately be extended thru the end of the year.

DI coaches can still watch videos/live streams, and communicate every other way except for in person. Honestly, I think this will push things into the winter and spring. Some sports like TNF and baseball have always had relatively active spring recruiting.

I don’t foresee nearly as many OVs in DI this fall as previously, even if the dead period is lifted. Don’t see overnights happening, or the ability to sit in classes either.

I think D3 schools will really benefit…strong programs will be able to attract athletes who might have been in the mix at Ivies, or Patriot League, but see the value in taking the sure thing.

Similar situation for D2 schools…can pick off some good DI recruits, plus D2’s can offer scholarship money.

In the end, maybe some DI programs take fewer recruits this year, who really knows, but it will be interesting to watch all of this unfold.

I think it’s more overwhelming for the parent. For the most part, kids are pretty resilient. They’ve already dealt with changes to the educational experience, many apply to colleges without ever seeing them, and the prospects days and overnights will simply be condensed, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But I agree that it’s certainly harder for the 2021s than it was for the 20s. Things change and the kids will adapt to the new normal.

@eb23282 I respectfully disagree, I think it will be really challenging for the student athlete as it is not only their choice, ultimately, but students have dealt with so much loss and change since. I can’t begin to understand why they would extend the dead period for the rest of the year though. I just don’t understand the purpose! Why wouldn’t they recruit the same amount and how would it lead to less? It’s all very confusing, but at least my family isn’t dealing with any rising seniors (lots of girls in class of ‘21 have already committed)

@hopefulswimmer58 I didn’t say it wouldn’t be challenging for the student - it absolutely will. I said it would be more overwhelming for the parent than the student.

Using CC as the example, there are so many Tiger-parents on here that absolutely lost their mind when SAT/ACT were cancelled because that scenario didn’t fit into the college process they’ve created for their children. The kids on the other hand, while frustrated, seem to roll with the flow much easier.

And I agree that it doesn’t make a lot of sense to limit in-person recruiting. Interestingly, D3 doesn’t have that same limitation so there are plenty of July recruiting events planned.

@eb23282 From my own experience, my parents are leaving it all to me (except when they are needed) since it is my decision!! ? There for sure are a lot of parents who are what you called tiger parents- totally see that side too. It is interesting that D3 doesn’t have the restrictions… I wonder why? I am super bummed about D1 being pushed through August because I was supposed to meet with a college coach while I was moving my sister in. :frowning: