<p>Hello all,
At what point should my erg time be about 6:20 if I want to be recruited? By the end of junior year, beginning of senior year, or when?
Also, those of you who have been recruited (males, either heavyweight or lightweight) please tell me your erg time when you were contacting coaches (Your PR during this time), your height, and especially the number of hours you spent training per day (and when you started, freshman year, sophomore year, etc.). If you are fine sharing, it would be beneficial to know where you got recruited to. As for your academics, please just indicate very good, good, average, pretty bad, and bad.
<p>I know several people who’ve gone through the proccess, and I would say you don’t need to hit 6:20 at all unless you’re going for Harvard, Princeton, Cal, or UWashington. Under 6:30 should cut it most other places if you have good academics (2100+ and 3.7+ with a tough workload). Try to hit that time by spring of Junior year, and you’ll be fine. Good race results with your team, and getting involved in competitive summer rowing also help.</p>