Red ACT Prep Book, is it accurate?

<p>I just bought a Red ACT Prep Book, and I just took two of the math sections under the normal time limit of 60 minutes; however, I ended up finishing in about 40 minutes and I didn't miss any for both.</p>

<p>Is the legitimate ACT math really this easy or is this practice test just easier than it should be?</p>

<p>I'm sorry if it seems as if I'm boasting, but I'm really not, I'm just very curious.</p>

<p>i found the math section in practice test 1 to be easy too, not sure about the rest yet</p>

<p>Have you taken the real ACT before?</p>

<p>yes, i took december, and this practice test seemed much easier than the december test. that might also be because december has a reputation for being a hard test, or maybe the ACT book is meant to progress, so that the third test is most realistic and accurate, you’re kind of building up difficulty along the way. idk just guessing?</p>

<p>That sounds reasonable, thanks.</p>