Reed EA 2024

Hi everyone! Noticed that this hadn’t been created yet, so I thought I might open it up for anyone who’s feeling stressed out about the decisions. I know I am!

I also wanted to put out there that I called the admissions office on Monday to ask about financial aid, but they let me know at the end of the call that they were planning on releasing decisions at the end of December (as opposed to February like last year). Has anyone heard anything similar? Maybe the person I spoke with did not understand what I was asking, but it would sure be nice to know before February.

Good luck everyone!

My daughter’s application has a pop-up that says, “This application is not currently accessible through this system.”

Anyone else?

Decisions at the end of this month?!? That’s scary, but also nice to know.

It looks like small private LACs aren’t getting enough students, it may play out in favor of applicants.

I did my interview yesterday, who has done the interview

I also interviewed! Had a lovely time, how about you?

Did you happen to ask when they were expecting release EA results?

it went really well, Im local so it was nice visiting reed college. I believe result will come out late January, that’s what it say on reeds website

Has anyone heard anything from Reed lately?

Nothing here. Waiting for ED2 results. Nervous.

I applied EA and haven’t heard anything. I am getting anxious!

Is anyone planning to go to the February overnight thingy?

I got an email the other day saying that a package has been shipped to me from Reed college from DHL, it included a tracking number and everything. Is it safe to assume that I’ve gotten in?

@LongLiveNipsey I don’t want to jinx it but that more than likely is your acceptance package. Congratulations!

@LongLiveNipsey Are you international? Isn’t DHL normally used for international shipping?

I just signed up for a DHL account, reading this. It says I have no packages, should I be worried?

Yes, I live abroad (expat). I mean you could Fedex the package to where I live, but I guess DHL offered a better rate.

Seems like it’s for people who live abroad only. If you’re domestic then I wouldn’t worry.

So does this DHL notification mean that boxes have been mailed to accepted students, also in the U.S.?

I hope so!

I am a domestic student