<p>My one year anniversary is around the corner, so I thought this would be a good time to put forth some thoughts.Choosing an American University thread for this will make sense, if you care to read on.
Neither I nor any of my childrenever heard of nor used CC in their college planning processes.I only found out about it through a professional relationship.Because I work daily in a helping profession, and frequently encounter stressed young people re. the college process, I came here to learn and help. Well it’s been a WILD RIDE! I’ve been praised, cursed, supported, humiliated, thanked, asked out by an angry student, told to go back to being a housewife, relied upon, etc., etc…
I’ve learned a lot about all schools and how kids and parents think; I’ve brought this knowledge into my own professional life. I’ve also learned of the confusion, fear, anger, and desperation of kids lost in the insane college process.
Although I “cruise” the threads and become involved in many places. I have become especially involved here on the AU threads. I’ve been accused ( or maybe complimented )of being an AU “cheerleader”. Well, I’m really not, but after almost one year I’ve realized something. I cannot single-handedly speak for all the happy, productive students who are immersed in their AU life. For whatever reasons, they don’t come on here…too busy, don’t feel the need to defend what is so special to them, or don’t even know CC exists.
My “anniversary” message is aimed at all the newcomers interested in learning about AU. Whether in PMs or posts, kids keep saying they don’t learn about AU here. I agree- YOU DON’T. With very few exceptions, most posters here have an ax to grind. Those who know statistics know this AU sample is WAY too small to be accurate.
So my hope is that you will all learn about this school fromthe many sources available to you besides these impoverished posts. You are not getting a full, balanced picture.That is why I have developed wonderful PM dialogues with both students and parentsand i hope these will continue. Many of these families are committed to an AU education, even if at great financial sacrifice for them. Best of luck to all of you!</p>