Refund of Housing/Tuition Deposits Yet?

<p>Do students who receive housing/tuition scholarships receive a refund of these deposits? If so, when are these posted?</p>

<p>My D’s deposits were credited to her account and simply offset other expenses for the fall semester. She only had a tuition scholarship and CBH fellowship, so she wasn’t in a refund situation. But even with a housing/tuition scholarship, there are other expenses (course fees, meal plan) to apply deposits to. Some students do get a refund, but I don’t think most do.</p>

<p>Thank you! We may have already received the credit and didn’t look carefully enough to see it.</p>

<p>If someone got more than they could spend, would they get a cash refund?</p>

<p>We are in the lucky position to get a refund - and it comes back as a direct deposit sometime after classes begin.</p>

<p>They are pretty quick about it usually, and we can track the changes through her Bama account to see which things posted when.</p>