Regents at UCSD vs. Berkeley vs. UCLA

<p>Does the Regents Scholarship program get a student enough benefits to outweigh going to a more prestigious school like Berkeley? Daughter got a Regents Scholarship at San Diego. She is biology/pre-med. We’ve heard that San Diego is good for the biological sciences but so is Berkeley. (She also likes UCLA but it’s probably slipped to 3rd place now). </p>

<p>The Regents Scholars supposedly get first pick of classes, so there’s no difficulty getting the classes you want. They get more research and internship opportunities. They get honors floors and guaranteed four years housing (although as a senior do you want to live with freshman and sophomores?) </p>

<p>It’s a really tough decision. The goal is medical school. </p>

<p>Any comments from pre-med students at San Diego, Berkeley or UCLA would really be appreciated.</p>

<p>Bump! I would like to know as well! I’m in the exact same position you are (regents at ucsd vs. berkeley for biology).</p>

<p>Tough choice, but I think I would have to go with SD based on what I have heard from friends/relatives who have done the premed bio major route at both schools. SD has a great bio program, and priority registration for classes is a big plus.</p>