Registering For Class/Declaring a Major

<p>Hi everyone!</p>

<p>I am so pumped to come to the U this fall! I just had some questions as an incoming freshman about classes and declaring a major. Right now, we just add classes to our carts, yes? And we can't declare our major until our first meeting with our advisors? Because I am a bit confused about what classes to add to my cart right now and also, there are some AP credits that I am anticipating so I just wanted to make sure that I am doing this right.</p>

<p>I’m not entirely confident in my understanding of how CaneLink works with incoming freshmen, but my understanding is that yes, you just add your classes to your shopping carts. In terms of declaring a major, if you declared undecided when you applied and were accepted, you can declare at any point once you start the semester and meet with your advisor.
What they told us when we were doing class preferences for first semester is that you should do your course preferences based on the assumption that you get a high enough score on the AP to get credit.
Good luck!</p>

<p>Basically just add it to the cart until you’ll meet with your advisor in early August. Make sure to send the AP scores to UM (double check that they’ve been sent/ received). You will receive your preliminary schedule in the mail (subject to change by advisor).</p>