Registering for classes as incoming freshman

<p>So let me see if I've got this right. On May 1st you are able to submit "course preferences" on myUM but you don't actually register for any classes until orientation?</p>

<p>Current student here! Actually you don’t ever get to register for classes. You are placed in classes based on your preferences and then at orientation you get your schedule. That’s it. If you want to switch, you go through the same add/drop procedure that all students have to go through</p>

<p>Oh ok cool. So I’m entering as Marine Science/Bio major and am wondering which classes I should put in my preferences. I checked out the advising guide on RSMAS’s website, so I’ll def try to get into MSC111, CHM111, CHM113, and ENG105. It then suggests that I take a social sciences and a humanities elective to get those gen ed requirements out of the way. I was thinking about taking the intro psych course and I don’t know what for humanities. Do you get to select your preferred section/professor? If yes, what professors would you recommend?</p>

<p>They will try and place you into classes that you would need for your major. Honestly you don’t have too much say. The preferences are not class numbers. Its more like you rank what classes you’d want to take like 1) Weather and meterology 2) Bio 3)Chem and so on. Fill it out based on what you think you need to take and what you want to take, and then worry about it after you get to campus because there is nothing you can do until they hand you your schedule in terms of choosing classes</p>

<p>If my intended major is no longer what I indicated when I applied, should I contact them and let them know before May 1st? Or are freshman preferences/options not dependent upon our intended major?</p>

<p>You don’t have to let them know before May 1st. That’s just when the course preferences thing is due. But I would call and let them know. They do try and place you in classes that would fulfill requirements for your major. I’m an Electronic Media major, so they put me in COM101 which is a requirement. I have friends who are Bio or Pre-Med and they got put in the appropriate classes</p>

<p>Well I emailed the registrar informing them that my major is no longer what I indicated when I first applied. She said I need to inform my academic school advisor to make the change. I’m not quite sure who my academic school advisor is or would be… ?</p>

<p>I want to get it changed because I’m a Foote Fellow and don’t want to be placed solely in classes that pertain to the major I indicated when applying, since it is no longer what I plan on majoring in.</p>

<p>Call Christi Busto - she will either help you or inform you who your advisor will be.</p>