Registering without Pre Req

<p>Son is considering taking an EC 100 level pre req class at local college over the summer so that in the Fall at Bama he can take the next level class.
How does that work with registering for Fall since he won’t have the pre req taken at the time of registration?</p>

<p>He’ll need to get an override from an advisor. I know my D was unable to register for AC210 without an override before her results for AP Econ came out. They might want some evidence of his registration for the summer course - not sure about that.</p>

<p>Good idea to bring documentation that the student is registered for the summer class.</p>

<p>Although I have looked at the chart for transferring classes into BAMA before, I can’t access it now. Does anyone have that link? And are you able to view the page?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what chart you’re referring to. If you mean the Transfer Course Equivalency Tables, here’s the link: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>yep that’s it
don’t know why I couldn’t find it this time.
Thank You!</p>