<p>Okay incoming folks, I’ve a bit of an odd question for you: Have you gotten an e-mail stating that the registration date is now in May?</p>
<p>I have recently received just such an e-mail… They have the main registration period in May! Last year it was in July and August. Even more oddly, they close registration down for a long period.</p>
<p>Are you a transfer student? I didn’t think freshmen could register for classes until this summer…</p>
<p>No, I’m a continuing student. So, that might very well be the case… It just seems to be the reverse of what happened when I was a freshman ever so long ago. Back then they gave incoming freshmen the first priority with regards to classes. </p>
<p>Realistically speaking, it doesn’t really effect me in any meaningful way. There’s almost nothing that an incoming freshman could take that I would have to take. I’m just curious…</p>
<p>I don’t know if you’ve got the lecture from someone who came in to talk about the increase fee - but that person also stated that we are registering in May instead of the summer. We register before the freshmen so they can figure out what classes to add, if there needs a class. PASS opens up the 22nd of April and registration is in May.</p>