registration for courses

<p>my page on MY vt says that i have new student registration holds and i can only register for classes when i arrive...true 4 all?...if not then am scared!
the woman at the cranwell intl centre dpartment wants to guide me thru the process so the holds been n engineering if dat helps///</p>

<p>Hi Sherlock,
Think that applies to all students until they attend their summer orientation and sign up for courses. Son had same holds on account last year and when I called to ask, they said not to worry about it. Once to attend orientation and register for courses, the holds will be taken off.</p>

<p>You'll get to orientation and they'll hand you a schedule. Then you'll get to go to a computer room with some advisers and change it. After that there may be some sort of "dead period" but eventually you'll be able to change them again. What's happening right now is normal, you're fine.</p>

<p>thanks for that, but their seems to be a new hold on my account and this one is named "general engineering"..and under reason it says new student , so am guessing that's also in relatn with registration...</p>

<p>i checked my orienatation information and it says am assigned english honors, but under math GPA it says '0' high school din't rank so even my high scool rank is 0 out of 0, what's this of my negligible GPA?...should i contact university office?</p>