Registration Snafu

<p>This time around, DS was determined not to miss out on core classes he needs, so as soon as Fall 2012 registration opened up (3/23, IIRC) he tried to sign up for Honors Western Civ Since 1648 and Honors American History to 1865, both taught by the same prof. </p>

<p>Lo and behold, it’s the morning of 3/23, and these classes are already filled—capped at five students. WTH? So, he’s on the waiting list for both.</p>

<p>Prof explained that they initially cap the classes at five students so that rising freshmen will be able to get their core requirements when they register at Bama Bound. But what about returning students, who also need core requirements? It’s hard to get all the core stuff out of the way in the first year.</p>

<p>Prof said, “Wait till August; should be able to get into the classes then.”</p>

<p>AUGUST??? <strong><em>August</em></strong>??? He’s supposed to wait until school’s about to start to find out whether he can get into two of his most important courses?</p>

<p>Oy. I-yi-yi.</p>



<p>I would ask the prof again to provide access over-ride into this class. It’s definitely permissable. My son had to do this one year. </p>

<p>I would explain that this problem will just keep happening because your son will never be an incoming frosh again. </p>

<p>Be sure to include the importance of taking these courses and how it’s not wise for him to wait until August. :(</p>

<p>Thanks so much!!! I will do so.</p>

<p>BTW–do you think DS should contact his adviser? She has no earthly clue that he has run into this snafu…she thinks he has smooth sailing with his Fall 2012 registrations. </p>

<p>(I hafta say the prof in question was a bit snippy about the whole thing…I don’t hold out much hope that he’ll override. :frowning: Unless maybe the adviser asks him to.)</p>

<p>LadyD: If the professor will not bend and lift the cap, tell your son to register for some type of course. He can drop it later if need be. My son got an e-mail a week or so ago saying that his History of Rome class was canceled. So he selected an online religion class to hold the spot in his schedule. He may keep it and drop something else. But at least he has flexibility.</p>

<p>Yes, I would contact the advisor. </p>

<p>This prof doesn’t realize that other depts do these over-rides all the time.</p>

<p>LadyD: Oftentimes it is not the professor who handles overrides. When I’ve needed to get overrides into certain classes I’ve found that I have better luck if I first talk to my advisor and am then directed to the individual departments where their override person, usually an administrative specialist or department chair, adds me to the class. </p>

<p>Keep in mind that there are three types of holds seen by students who don’t owe UA money and are cleared for course registration:</p>

<p>I. Prerequisite Holds (assuming that they will pass all their courses the current semester, the student will not have satisfied the academic requirements for entry into the course)
II. Student Classification Holds (usually found when registering for online or certain upper division courses)
III. Course Scheduling Holds (found when he desired class is full or when there is a time conflict with another course for which the student is already registered)</p>

<p>Academic departments can clear types II and most types of III, while type I holds are cleared by academic advisors, and type III holds due to time conflicts are cleared by the deans of the individual colleges or their designee. It is extremely rare to have a hold cleared that would allow a student to take two courses that are held at the same time as other, sometimes less optimal, options are almost always available.</p>

<p>*LadyD: Oftentimes it is not the professor who handles overrides. When I’ve needed to get overrides into certain classes I’ve found that I have better luck if I first talk to my advisor and am then directed to the individual departments where their override person, usually an administrative specialist or department chair, adds me to the class. *</p>

<p>This may be why the prof has no idea that this is possible. In that dept, students may be getting these over-rides thru the advisor to dept route…not thru the prof. That prof’s answer indicated that he really doesn’t know how this all works.</p>